We are on a mission to make it as easy as possible for builders to get from an idea to a finished build. Check out this quick guide to find out how to make it happen. Feel free to contact us at any time if you need assistance with your project.
Every DIY pipe project starts as an idea. Ideas can come from anything and everything. If you need some project inspiration our free community and build ideas page are great resources for beginners and pro builders alike.
Turn your project idea into a concept. Visualizing your finished build allows you to see what materials and connectors you need. A really simple and effective way to plan out your build is with Maker Pipe Minis. These miniature scale replicas of our connector system make it easy to plan out your build exactly.
You only need a few simple tools, conduit, and our connectors to get started on your project. Let's find out what exactly you need to get started on your build and make it happen!
We designed our connectors with the builder in mind. They are affordable and approachable with features like the clamp shell design that lets you reuse the connectors time and time again. Check out each product page for an in depth overview of each connector or click the button for the demo playlist on YouTube.
To make building affordable we designed our system to work with 3/4" EMT conduit. This steel pipe can be found in the electrical aisle of your local hardware store. Conduit gives you a valuable building solution at just a few dollars per 10 foot length. We also found a few more pipes and tubes that work with our system. For example 1/2" EMT conduit can be used when combined with our cheap adapter shim. Check out the blog for a complete list.
We offer a variety off accessories that you can use to finish off your build. Add some shrink wrap and end caps to cover up exposed conduit and personalize your build. You can also make your project mobile with our caster kit that inserts directly into conduit ends. Click the button to see our complete list of pipe building accessories.
Building with Maker Pipe is beginner friendly! There are no special skills needed to build with these simple hand tools. You can build anywhere safely because these tools don't require a workshop or electricity! Measure and cut with a tape measure, marker, and hand held pipe and tube cutter. Then you only need one tool to make connections. All of the connectors have a built in pocket feature to lock the nuts in place when assembling. Tighten the bolt with a 5mm hex wrench. It's that easy!
Use a tape measure and marker to mark the desired length on the pipes you're cutting. You can use specialized tools to cut, but you don't have to! Our metal pipe and tube cutter works great and makes clean cuts. Simply line up the cutter wheel on the pipe where it is marked. Tighten the cutter until the wheel is touching the mark. Then start rotating the tool around the pipe while tightening it every few turns. Keep rotating and tightening until the pipe is cut. Each tool has a built in accessory to de-burr the pipe. Pop it out and rotate it around the exposed end to remove any burrs that formed. One thing to remember when measuring is the connector length may affect your needed pipe length. Check out the video for more details and a diagram.
All of our structural pipe fittings and connectors are simply assembled with nuts and bolts. It’s very easy! No drilling or modification to the pipe is neccessary. The only tool needed is a 5mm hex wrench that we include in all of our build kits.
Our most popular item is the T Connector which is made of two identical halves that clamp down onto the pipes and provide a secure connection. The “puzzle piece” design allow the two pieces to lock together around one of the pipes. The hole and surrounding pocket, holds the nut in place (no need for a wrench), while the bolt is threaded from the other side. Insert the other pipe into the connector, tighten the bolt firmly with the hex wrench, and you are done!
All of our connectors go together in this basic manner. They are easy to assemble, but also simple to re-position or break down for storage/transportation.
Now is the time to customize your build even further! Most likely your build needs some finishing touches like adding and securing shelves or table tops to your pipe desk. Finish off your build by adding any materials or off the shelf items that your project needs. Accessorize by adding end caps to exposed conduit or adding rubber feet to the legs of your structure. With that you're ready to step back and admire your creation!
Head over to our free DIY community to be inspired and learn from other makers! It is filled with awesome builds and ideas. Get a helping hand with your project by posting questions in the "Build Help" topic. Head on over and say hello, we would love to hear from you!
Our YouTube channel is full of helpful content from building hacks to inspirational customer builds! Watch some of our popular videos to learn more about Maker Pipe and see what you can build.